Monitor for WVC-600 solar-inverter

Jaap van den Berg Pijnacker, January 2022

Disclaimer: The use of the information on this page is entirely at your own responsibility and at your own risk!

I have been using the WVC-600 solar panel inverter for two solar panels for quite some time now. Some models of this Chinese inverter have an RF interface at 433 MHz, recognizable by the antenna on the right side of the inverter.

Based on a DIY RF data-communication system, consisting of a USB serial module and an HC-12 data 433MHz transceiver module, a monitor for the WVC-600 solar panel inverter can be built. Linked to a Raspberry Pi running Linux, a Python3 program running in the background periodically stores the inverter measurement data in a daily CSV file.

More information:

-PDF-document: Monitoring of WVC-600 solar-inverter via 433 MHz RF-interface

-Documentation HC-12 433 MHz data transceiver-module HC-12.pdf

-Zip-file with Python-programs

WVC-600 inverter WVC-600 inverter
RF data-communication system RF data-communication system